Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Book Related
  1. Is the book available in hardcover, audiobook, or Kindle?
  2. How much does shipping cost?
  3. How long after ordering can I expect to receive the book?
Seminar Related
  1. If I've already read the book, is there any value in attending the seminar?
  2. If something comes up and I cannot attend the seminar, what should I do?
  3. Should I bring anything with me to the seminar?


Book Related

1. Is the book available in hardcover, audiobook, or Kindle?

At the present time, Homosexianity is only available in paperback. Check back soon, though, because all three formats mentioned are in the works.

2. How much does shipping cost?

Shipping is $2.50 per copy.

3. How long after ordering can I expect to receive the book?

Your book will be shipped from Saint Louis, MO within 3 business days of your order being received. Depending on your location, you can expect to receive it within 3-5 business days after it is shipped; a total of approximately 6-8 business days.

Seminar Related

1. If I've already read the book, is there any value in attending the seminar?

Absolutely! The book presents a wealth of information; however, it does not provide a forum for questions to be asked and answered. Even if you don't think you have questions, questions asked by others will likely prove helpful. Attending the seminar will also provide you with an opportunity to meet new people who are open to the prospect of affirming theology—an invaluable benefit in a society where affirming Christians make up such a small percentage of the Christian body.

2. If something comes up and I cannot attend the seminar, what should I do?

Because seating is limited, it is very important that if you are unable to attend for any reason, you contact us as possible so that others who wish to attend will be able to do so, in the event that the venue fills up.

3. Should I bring anything with me to the seminar?

Yes! This is a fast-paced teaching seminar, and there's no way you will be able to sit and listen and retain all of the information you are presented with. Therefore, we advise bringing a Bible (the New American Standard Bible - Second Edition will be used during the presentation, but feel free to bring whichever translation you prefer), and strongly advise bringing a notebook and two or three pens (just in case one stops working). You won't regret it.